Ergonomics and health

Тривале сидіння та біологічне старіння: Як врятувати своє здоров'я

Prolonged sitting and biological aging: How to save your health

How prolonged sitting steals your health and youth? Learn how simple habits can help you avoid aging and stay productive...

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Вибираємо стіл з регулюванням висоти

Choosing a height-adjustable desk

After a long day at work, spent sitting at a computer, many people feel tired, tense in the neck, back, and lower back. Regularly sitting for more than 6 hours a day increases the risk of...

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Як вибрати оптимальний стіл з регулюванням висоти

How to choose the best height-adjustable desk

Today, ergonomic furniture is available in a wide range, so it's easy to choose a table that's right for you.
Characteristics to consider when choosing...

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Ергономічні меблі в закладах освіти – зручність та здоров’я учнів

Ergonomic furniture in educational institutions - comfort and health of students

Using conventional furniture throughout the day often causes neck and shoulder strain, back discomfort, and poor posture, which in the long run can cause health problems.

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Як обрати ергономічне кріплення для монітора

How to choose an ergonomic monitor mount

By choosing the right bracket and adjusting your monitor, you will be able to work in a comfortable environment and avoid the risk of vision impairment and the development of diseases of other body systems.

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Ергономічні меблі важливі для вашого комфорту та здоров’я

Ergonomic furniture is important for your comfort and health

Ergonomics is the science that studies the interaction between humans and the furniture they use every day. Its main goal is to create conditions in which people can work comfortably, safely, and productively.

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Організовуємо роботу за комп’ютером: Правильна поза, комфорт та продуктивність

We organize work at the computer: Correct posture, comfort and productivity

Even the most expensive ergonomic chairs can only provide comfort and the ability to position your body correctly, but...

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Ергономічний простір для роботи вдома

Ergonomic space for working at home

The world has found itself in realities when many have to work remotely. In the conditions of globalization and negative external factors, there are...

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Робота стоячи: Як провести робочий день без шкоди для здоров’я

Standing work: How to spend a working day without harm to health

According to research, a modern person spends an average of 9.5 hours a day sitting. This applies not only to...

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Сучасне робоче місце: Продуктивність, стиль та збереження здоров’я

The modern workplace: Productivity, style and health

Many people in various fields work at a desk with documents or use a computer. And the remote work format...

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Балансувальні дошки: Як не сидіти в офісі весь день.

Balance boards: How not to sit in the office all day.

Many specialists in the world agree that it is better to work with documents or at a computer while standing. At the same time...

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Чи варте ергономічне крісло своїх грошей?

Is an ergonomic chair worth the money?

Studies show a 30% reduction in fatigue and back pain, a 25% reduction in lower back tension, and a 20% reduction in overall discomfort.

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Організація робочого місця: переваги роботи в динамічній позі

Workplace organization: the benefits of working in a dynamic posture

Studies show that working while standing reduces back pain by 31.8%, improves circulation and increases productivity.

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The researchers found that the population-based proportion of all-cause mortality for each country was associated with sitting time >3 hours per day.

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"I want to share my quarantine (and now military-anxious) work experience. When you are at home all the time, the boundaries of the working day are blurred. You can calmly sit at the computer for 12 hours and not even notice at first. But then...

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