CYBER SPORTS is a competition within the framework of computer games. Most often, these are shooters, strategies or online simulations of real sports (for example, FIFA, which reproduces a football match in virtual space). Representatives of the older generation have different attitudes to eSports, but the facts are telling - in the world, this direction has long turned into a whole industry with millions of prizes in tournaments and huge armies of fans.

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the development of this type of sport was slower. Yes, in Ukraine there are still not many people connected with eSports: according to various estimates, about two million. For comparison, in the world this number is close to half a billion.


First of all, you need to decide on a game. If there are no particular preferences, it is better to choose among the most popular games in this industry, such as Dota 2 or CS: GO. Their championships are held often, the prize funds are high, however, and the competition is higher.

If your favorite game already exists, but it does not belong to "professional eSports", do not be upset: maybe this will change over time. So, the most famous Ukrainian e-sports team Na'Vi initially performed only in Counter-Strike and Dota 2. Later, units were created for PUBG, ApexLegends, RainbowSix, QuakeChampions, Fortnite, LeagueofLegends and others.


Here, as in classical sports, everything depends on coaches, sports equipment and hard training. A huge advantage of eSports is the possibility to practice online. Therefore, you can start with educational videos on YouTube, and later, if necessary, hire a personal trainer - also via the Internet. E-sports gives approximately equal opportunities to start urban and rural residents, adults and teenagers.


  • A powerful computer with good peripherals;
  • Stable and high-speed Internet;
  • A comfortable gaming place is a computer table and a chair.

It would seem that furniture should not significantly affect the results of training, but it is not so. To fully participate in competitions, even at the entry level, thousands of hours of training are required. Thousands of hours in an uncomfortable position are a guarantee of spinal curvature, decreased muscle tone, problems with blood pressure, vision and other body functions.

In eSports, the most important thing is to instantly assess the situation and react as quickly as possible. And if in the morning you have a headache, strain your back or increase the pressure, it will be impossible to show an excellent result in the tournament, and therefore, say goodbye to the prize fund and the affection of the fans.


Regardless of the chosen game, it is necessary to combine personal training with the analysis of the actions of the best players in this genre. This means that you need to watch videos of competitions and battles of the most famous players from big servers every day (even if their meetings are not related to tournaments). Action strategies need to be described and implemented in order to later develop your own options for responding to the enemy's actions based on them.

In large teams, a special person can help with this, but those who have decided to be a solo player or have not yet joined a solid team will have to spend additional hours on video selection and analysis beyond the time of the main training.


Cybersports, like chess, is one of the most non-traumatic sports. Here, first of all, we are not talking about specific injuries, but about the general effect of hypodynamia on the body. Also, unlike a simple office job, every workout is a real battle! In result:

  • Strong emotions make the player unconsciously hunch over, stretch his neck, hold his breath;
  • During tense moments of matches, athletes may not blink for several minutes, which negatively affects the eyes and vision;
  • Fairly long matches do not provide an opportunity to be distracted by warm-up;
  • The constant release of stress hormones without further physical exertion, which allows them to be disposed of, overloads the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

In addition, athletes are often too fond of energy drinks, eat unbalanced food, and violate the sleep regime.

All this can quickly undermine health, forcing one to leave professional sports in 5-6 years.


World-class players were often forced to leave professional eSports precisely because of their health. Therefore, solid teams always hire specialists who monitor the well-being of players. And therefore, the set necessary for effective training includes not only a good computer or laptop, but also an ergonomic computer chair and a table

Professional cyber-athletes always play regular sports as well - of course, at the amateur level. Every day, in addition to training in the virtual space, the player visits the gym or trains at home or in nature. This is a prerequisite for consistently high results in competitions.

An equally important factor is a proper balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids.


Sit and stand desks with an electronic lift mechanism are perfect for esports. It is very difficult to sit still for hours every day, and TehnoTable products allow you to raise or lower the tabletop with one push of a button and change your body position in just a few seconds. Another plus is the ergonomic cut of the tabletop. It provides comfortable support for the elbows, allowing you to maintain the correct position of the back with minimal effort.

It may seem inconvenient to play while standing. But the desk is designed and engineered to maintain the same relative position of hands, keyboard, mouse and monitor as in a sitting position.

In addition, the vertical position of the body is associated with a battle or competition, accordingly, when standing, a person feels more collected and confident, more easily navigates the situation and wins more often. Standing pose is a "strong" pose!


Alternating the sitting and standing position every 40-45 minutes allows you to minimize the negative impact of hypodynamia on the body. A large amount of energy is used to support the vertical position of the body - this prevents metabolism from slowing down, muscles from weakening and excess weight from accumulating.

For the best effect, you can complement the table with a special rug or balance board . They will make it possible to make the most of the time in a standing position - giving a light load to the leg muscles or providing a massage of the biologically active zones of the foot.

To make the table as comfortable as possible for a specific person, not only the height of the tabletop, but also the height of the monitor on the bracket can be adjusted. If necessary, you can choose a bracket for two monitors in the catalog. At the request of the customer, the tables are equipped with additional useful ones accessories – from wireless charging to a device for heating a cup of coffee.


For training, any server of the game you want with a sufficiently high online level is suitable.

And you can test your strength in tournaments through special game portals. Among the most popular resources of this type in Ukraine:

  • The official website of the eSports Federation of Ukraine.
  • A portal with daily Dota 2, CS: GO and League of Legends tournaments.
  • A resource dedicated to annual major cyber tournaments. There are competition sections for games on PC, consoles and mobile devices;
  • Separately, offline zones should be distinguished. Every city has popular gaming areas. For example, CyberZone/NAVI bar in the Metrograd shopping center is a popular place in Kyiv. By the way, you can test TEHNOTABLE tables there.

eSports - a direction that is developing very quickly. New games, tournaments and clubs appear every year. Special sources, such as, help keep your finger on the pulse.


E-sports can pay off its costs, and also bring a significant profit, and even before stable victories in significant tournaments. The fact is that videos of interesting, spectacular fights or their live broadcasts are very popular. It does not matter that the newcomer cannot yet boast a high rating or a large number of victories.

A charismatic commentator, who constantly tracks interesting game events, tournaments and just meetings of famous fighters for viewers, is guaranteed to gather a large audience.

Well, it is quite simple to make a profit from this - it is an affiliate program of YouTube or other services, and indirect advertising of products of certain brands (computers, monitors, mats, keyboards, accessories), and advertising of channels or sites with similar, but not competitive topic.

Another plus is the possibility of earning money at home, with almost no restrictions on age, gender, profession.

So, if you are interested in computer games, you are persistent and patient, maybe eSports is your calling?

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